Shelter Layout

Over at Soul Scrappers presently they have a challenge series they have called "SURVIVOR".  If  you have ever watched an episode of Survivor on the television you will know that participants are challenged throughout the length of the show.  The first Soul Scrapper challenge was SHELTER. Here is my layout:
I first found a definition of shelter - something that covers or protects e.g. Someone made a shelter from branches.  
My mind went into overdrive as I remembered that I had taken a photo many years ago whilst walking along a beach (name long forgotten) of a roughly hewn shelter on the beach. So off in search of that photo - nothing on the computer, pasted to facebook "No" etc. Off I head to my photos already printed after searching found the photo - happy face here :).

The rules for the challenge were:
  • You must add shelter My photo is of shelter - obviously created to protect from our harsh midday sun - why have a beach umbrella when you can have a handmade shelter!
  • Your shelter must have sides and a roof,  your shelter can be handmade from sticks, paper, canvas, material, burlap, fibres, cardstock, icy pole sticks etc.....Tick.  The roof is there albeit somewhat small!
My layout uses many of the bits and pieces in stash left over from various scrapbooking cruises - see I always knew they would come in handy some day!   I wanted to create a the idea that there was also flotsam on the beach.

Thank you for looking, why not head over to Soul Scrappers sign up and make your own adventures.


Shazza said…
Well done would be so good to find out the story behind the shelter photo you used, it’s an amazing find!
Carol USA said…
yes that layout was amazing and a pleasure to see. Loved it all and you did fill every requirement. Beyond that, it is just a pleasure to view.

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