Calvinball 2025
Time again to participate in Calvinball 2025. Here is the test layout I uploaded
What is Calvinball? In short, Calvinball is a scrapbooking game/challenge based off the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. Calvin and Hobbes invent Calvinball where the rules change constantly. That concept was taken and turned into a scrapbooking challenge many years ago.It is fun, you get points or you can just participate. This layout I have entered as a test layout - to check that system works! I received points for this, as well as posting on socials, using stars (1 point regardless of number of stars on layout) and using green. Other Day 1 points could have been - if I had used journalling of 100 words plus or using an avocado. Each day other items are added (or taken away). Other papercraft projects are permitted as well. Check out Scrap Happy for more information.
I have also completed another layout -both layouts use bits and pieces left over from 49 & Market Christmas Spectacular that was one of the collections used on the recent cruise - more on that later. This layout was designed by Jenny Curthoys.
Thank you for looking, Margaret