Scrap Pack Challenge

Firstly, let me say that I have put my layouts individually on this blog, as some relate to different challenges I have entered this month.   The retreat this past weekend, was a good opportunity to just sit and complete them. 
The retreat organisers - Creatively Inspired (who advised it was there last ever retreat on the weekend) - had a scrap pack challenge were you are given some paper and you must use it to create a layout or 4 cards using ALL the provided paper.  In this case white cardstock and the papers/tag surrounding my layout - all those pastel colours.
A bit about the photo.  When my Uncle George (Dad's brother) passed away in 1996 his wife gave to us an old leather suitcase full of old photos that he had.  This photograph of my grandmother was in the suitcase.  She was born (Fanny Elizabeth Orr - called Lizzie to the family) in Launceston, Tasmania in 1891 and married my grandfather Henry Crawford in 1917.  So she would probably been in her early 20's when the photo was taken.
I have not attached the photo to the layout as the back of the photo has some interesting history to it:
My grandmother originally sent the photo to her sister Jess (born 1897) who later sent it to Uncle George, the date of which is unknown and it reads "before she was married. I am sending this to you Dear George, your beloved mother because when I am gone it may be lost. Your loving Aunt Jess".
Thank you to our family Bible for the dates behind this beautiful photo.   
Surely, how I created the layout is irrelevant - but in case you are interested here is what I did.  I scallop punch the edge of the 2 included paper, and then applied a flourish stamp over it to give some visual interest and also stamped on the patterned paper. Some finishing touches with antique lace (to match the collar/yolk on her dress), some sequins and the included challenge flowers complete the layout.
As an aside - a couple of things:
  1. I am glad I was not named after my grandmother (Fanny) such different meanings in this day and age!
  2. My grandmother was known to her friends as Jessie - so confusing when trying to sort out the family photographs.
  3. She passed away in 1961.  She was a wonderful grandmother and I have nothing but happy memories of the time I spent with her.  My grandparents lived just one street away and therefore I got to see her just about everyday on the way to and from school. They were the first people in our streets to get television and I remember the fun family times as we all went down to watch that 'modern' invention. 
Thank you for spending time reading this and allowing me to remember have a trip down memory lane.   Margaret :)


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