Groovy - Grooving in the 1970's

Another challenge at Soul Scrappers was to be inspired by the song "Wild Thing" by the Troggs. We were to use a word....OR a couple of words...OR a sentence...OR even the song title on our layout. I was inspired by the word 'groovy'.  Here is my layout:
Wikipedia defines 'groovy' as a slang colloquialism popular during  the 1960s and 1970s.  It is roughly synonymous with such words as 'cool', 'excellent', 'fashionable' and 'amazing' depending on context.
This photo was taken at my younger sister's 21st birthday party in 1972.  I am grooving bottom right.  I made the dress I am wearing.  The photo was sitting for many years in the old style albums - you know the ones that made the photo stick to the backing with what I suspect was not acid free plastic and the photos eventually faded.   I am endeavouring to give them a new home hence my recent fascination with scrapping these older photos.
Now I was never a 'wild thing' - just look at the photo closely the party was held in a local church hall that has since been demolished. I did love to dance and groove to the music.
I googled 1970's design and found lots photos to inspire me - here are just a few.  Who can forget 'orange' it was everywhere - Tupperware (I had all these), Fabric, Furniture to name a few.
Tupperware we had in the cupboards for ever! I still have 1 bowl and lid left. Remember that green?! LolVintage 1970s Orange and Yellow Daisy Glasswareseventies style. yellow toilet. lovely wallpaper!... I remember the wallpaper back the the more garish the betterTwo of the best 70's colors ever... Harvest Gold and Avocado --- don't forget Coppertone!
Thank you for grooving along with me this morning.   Have a happening day!!! Margaret :)


marysunshine said…
Margaret, fantastic take on the challenge!! Thanks for being a big part of our Soul scrappers sister. Love your work.
Unknown said…
What a fun layout! Perfect forthe challenge and I LOVED the story behind it. And we had that Tupperware! LOL!

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