Sketch challenge.

Here is a layout I have completed for a sketch challenge at Soul Scrappers.  
Here is the inspiration sketch.
My photo is of The Radiance of the Sea docked in Auckland.  After the completion of my cruise in January that ended in Auckland I met my sister and in the afternoon we took a ferry ride across the water.  Looking back I saw the ship in dock.
Now, a funny story (well funny to me).  I got off the ship at approx. 8am and I was heading towards the hotel my sister was staying at to join her for a week long adventure to Bay of Islands.  I arrived to take a taxi to the hotel - the taxi driver informs me "it is just over there - you could walk", so off I trotted with my bags laughing all the way.  
Thank you for looking,
I am off today onto the water - a ferry ride locally - not quite a cruise but on the water nevertheless!


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