This is why I love scrapbooking

Whilst blog surfing I came across this poem, author unknown:

A Scrapbooker 

A scrapbooker is a treasure seeker, a rainbow chaser, a smile maker, a memory keeper.
A scrapbooker preserves a moment in time and saves a dream from being forgotten.
A scrapbooker clothes a piece of yesterday in the caring hands of today and makes a legacy of love for tomorrow.
A scrapbooker is a treasure seeker, a rainbow chaser, a smile maker, a memory keeper.
A scrapbooker is one who sees that knowing our roots gives us wings... and understanding our past gives us hope to celebrate our future.

Note: The original has references to "she" eg she preserves ..............but as I know there are male scrapbookers out there so I have amended so the term is generic to all scrapbookers.


Carolyn said…
love this Margaret thanks for sharing I may re-post if thats ok? Hope you are well, I enjoy your blog keep up the great work!

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