You may see a difference

After much consideration, I have decided not to continue as a Stampin'Up!(r) demonstrator, but I will still be creating - I will never stop that - and will still post to my blog.

I look forward to sharing more creations with you shortly.

Thank you for stopping by, Margaret


Kim Tonnet said…
Hi Margaret, I'm writing in apology for not responding to your note to me earlier. I don't login to Facebook much so saw it late and then life intervened. But I hope you've made the right decision for you and am happy to see your blog continuing with interesting stuff. I will miss you at the SU! meetings - they won't be the same. But Ashley and I will stay in touch, granted it might not happen often, but that's my reality these days. Work really cramps my style. Thanks for all your help while you were a SU! demo, not to mention your superb sewing skills. Luv KimT

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