Pixels and Paper Challenge blog
A new blog that is a sister blog to ARTastic Challenges is Pixels and Paper Challenge and the current inspiration photo is below, it has no set criteria and you can interpret the photo anyway: Inspiration photo: Just after Easter this year I spent several days relaxing at caravan park in Macksville that was alongside the beautiful Nambucca River.(oops just realised I put wrong river name on my tag - got to fix that asap). The little boy in the photo (whose name I do not remember) was staying there with his family and he took the opportunity to go fishing on the jetty provided by the caravan park. I wandered down there and he said look so relaxed and enjoying his fishing and he said to me "you can take my photo if you like". His parents later confirmed to me that it was okay to take his photo. The photo reminds me of when I was young and as a family we spent a lot of time fishing - in boats, on jetty or on the sand. I still love fishin...